Promising treatment for type 2 and obesity ready for clinical trials
Indiana University Distinguished Professor Richard Di Marchi Photo by Indiana UniversityDIABETES DIGEST – Dec. 8, 2014 – A new treatment for type 2 diabetes and obesity developed by researchers at Indiana University and the German Research Center for Environmental Health is poised to begin human clinical trials.In preclinical studies the treatment has essentially cured lab animals of obesity
NOV 29
Not all people with type 2 diabetes benefit from exercise
copyright: 123RF Stock PhotoDIABETES DIGEST – Nov. 20, 2014 – If you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and exercise regularly but see no improvement in your blood sugar control, you are not alone. A study in the current issue of the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism shows that as many as 20 percent of people with type 2 diabetes do not see any improvemen
Study strengthens yogurt type 2 diabetes prevention link
DIABETES DIGEST – Nov. 24, 2014 – A analysis of data from three large populations studies with more than 280,000 participants seems to confirm that consuming yogurt daily was associated with an 18 per cent lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The study was published in the British medical journal, BMC Medicine.Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health pooled the results of three large cohort stu
NOV 17
Coffee component that may reduce type 2 diabetes risk identified
Photo courtesy: Julius SchorzmanDIABETES DIGEST – Nov. 10, 2014 – Researchers have identified the chemical compound in coffee that may prevent the harmful effects of obesity. Previous research has shown that coffee may lower the risk of some chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Consequently researchers are looking at the chemicals found in coffee to see which of them
Study shows burning brown fat could be key to weight-loss
Copyright: maridav 123RF Stock PhotoDIABETES DIGEST – Nov. 17, 2014 – If you want to lose weight, you might try exercising in the cold. More research is out this week showing that the key to weight-loss is burning what is called brown fat, or more technically, brown adipocytes.When you are cold the nervous system activates receptors on the surface of brown fat cells to stimulate glucose uptake fr
OCT 31
Metformin still formidable first line treatment for type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – Oct. 31, 2014 – A new study in JAMA Internal Medicine found once again that metformin should be the first line treatment for type 2 diabetes, which isn’t really the news. The study also found that despite the guidelines recommending metformin first, only 57.8 percent of newly diagnosed patients began trea
OCT 17
Liver fat may be key to type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – Oct. 17, 2014 – Obesity is associated with the rise in type 2 diabetes, but new research suggests that it is not just overall fat that causes insulin resistance, but liver fat.Dr. Victor Shengk
SEP 30
Combination therapy scores trifecta in type 2 treatment
DIABETES DIGEST – Sept. 30, 2014 – Treatment that combines insulin with one of the newer GLP-1 blockers appears to provide exceptional blood sugar control without weight gain, a new study shows.The combination treatment had been compared in 15 studies, from which the researchers combined the data and re-analyzed the results in what is called a meta-analysis. The studies included involved 4,348 par
SEP 17
High-fat dairy may lower risk of developing diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – Sept. 17, 2014 – Diet really comes down to complex chemistry that has multifaceted effects on health. As a result, a lot of nutrition research seems to show contradictory findings. Nowhere is this more evident than in the research into nutritional effects on type 2 diabetes. Some fats are good and some are bad as far as the risk of diabetes goes. A new stu
AUG 31
Pumping up control of type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – Aug. 31, 2014 – For people with type 2 diabetes who have been unable to control their blood sugar adequately, an insulin pump may be the most effective therapy, results of a new study shows.Pumps outperformed multiple daily injections on several measures. The researchers found that people who used the pumps achieved an average HbA1C that was 0.7 percent lower than the multi-injec
AUG 22
Blood sugar in hospitalized emergency room patients may predict type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – Aug. 22, 2014 – During an emergency hospital admission for an acute illness it is common for patients who are not known to have diabetes to have elevated blood sugar. That factor has been linked to adverse outcomes in those patients. Whether this abnormally high blood sugar level is related to the risk of subsequently developing type 2 diabetes, however, is unknown. To see if thi
JUL 31
Low-carb and low fat may be better for managing type 2 diabetes
This Italian chopped salad has only 2.5g of saturated fat and 11g of carbs. Source: American Diabetes Association Healthy Living MagazineDIABETES DIGEST – July 31, 2014 – A comparison of low-carb vs. high-carb diets shows that while both diets improve blood sugar control and reduce cardiovascular risks, the very low-carb diet provided the most improvement.This study differs from previous stud
JUL 17
Statins may cut death from heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – July 17, 2014 – If you have type 2 diabetes and are at high risk of heart disease, taking a cholesterol-lowering drug might prolong your life.A new analysis of data from a study of type 2 diabetes found that the patients with high-risk for cardiovascular disease who were taking cholesterol-lowering statins at the start of the study had a 50 percent greater chance of being alive a
JUN 28
Surgery better than drug therapy for type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – June 28, 2014 – If you have type 2 diabetes associated with a weight problem, surgery may be more effective for controlling your diabetes, not to mention your weight, than taking medications. Of course there is always a catch, in this case the effect may not last. Researchers and endocrinologists, doctors who treat diabetes and other hormone related conditions, met in Chicago las
JUN 20
Fasting may slow prediabetes progression to type 2 diabetes
DIABETES DIGEST – June 20, 2014 – Many religions observe some form of occasional fasting, however, Mormons forgo at least two consecutive meals in a 24-hour period one Sunday each month. With such a regular fasting schedule researchers have been able to study the effects of fasting on this population for some time.A 2011 study showed that healthy people who observed water-only fasting had lower gl
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